CA: 9EGRMu7zGXTi238wzdBtLU86p8DfyyKJJS5zeJMhRaVR


Jako teh Dawg iz da most epic memecoin in ten wurld. Not only can he stretch into any shape, but he can also stretch ur portfolio with bellions of profit!

As da CEO of memecoins, Jako's on a mission to mek evryone in da cryptoverse rich an' happy. His skillz in coin flexin' r legendary, an' he never stops innovatin'.

Jako's target? To see evryone enjoyin' da wealth of memecoins an' sharin' da joy. Our duty? To fill da web with bellions of memes 'bout Jako an' his memecoin magic!


Q3-Q4 2024
  • Create a website
  • Sniff butts
  • Launch $JAKO
  • Buy ADS
  • X raids/KOLs
  • CMC listing
  • CEX listings
Final goal of project:

To mek a lot of mooooney on JAKO an' sing funneh songs 'bout JAKO wit a glass o' Martinee